At a glance …
Satan does his work through agents:
First the serpent
Then the four beasts in Daniel.
Today through:
- The composite beast in Revelation 13.
- The USA
- Spiritualism |
- God says the word was created in 6 days.
- Satan says it has been evolving over millions of years.
- God says His word is unchanging and for all people.
- Satan says the scriptures have to be interpreted according to cultural situations.
- God says the final test will be to honour the Creator of heaven and earth by keeping the 4th Commandment and the seventh day Sabbath.
- Satan says no, Sunday is now the day of worship. Threats and sanctions and the death penalty will be used against those who do not conform.
- God says Jesus will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and evil will be destroyed.
- Satan says Jesus has already come spiritually and the world will continue to improve, or that He will snatch people away quietly. Satan says there will be a second chance for everyone. Satan knows that many will be lost in believing his teachings.
Q22 None of us was made with the ability to be independent, and Satan is aware of this. We are all followers of one leader or another. We can follow either the deceptive forces of Satan or we can follow God. In the face of these options will your choice be the same as the one Joshua made?
As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. We will serve the Lord, for He is our God.
Joshua 24:14-18.
- Satan uses agents.
He is using the power of Rome especially, through the vast and wealthy system of the Vatican.
- He is using America developing its capability to enforce his religious laws,
- Satan is using evil spirits to influence all minds by deception, so that one day he can give the rallying call to his troops and almost the whole population of the world will come to his side against God.
With these three agencies, Satan will make his final thrust to overcome God. The Bible tells us that God and goodness will triumph; evil will be destroyed. Satan is not interested in your well-being, but only to destroy God, to destroy you and to set up a rival kingdom.
The Bible informs us that God will intervene both to stop his progress and to deliver those who have chosen to follow the straightforward goodness of God. What choice will you make?
As for me and my house … we will serve the Lord, for He is our God. Joshua 24:15. |
Truth for Today Bible Study Module 23 shows how we can overcome the wiles of Satan.
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