Truth For Today Bible Study Course a Course of Bible Studies, how God sees our world, A world without evil, God’s gifts of help for us, Jesus expecting victory in our lives.  

Truth For Today Bible Study Course

At a glance …

Satan does his work through agents:

First the serpent

Then the four beasts in Daniel.

Today through:

- The composite beast in Revelation 13.

- The USA

- Spiritualism

claims these happenings as clear psychic occurrences fulfilling the statements made through the spirit world. The true origins are deceptively hidden, but it is indeed the influence of the occult spirit that planned and predicted these developments.  Other elements are meditation, contemplation,  and exercises of quiet ‘prayer’ and the looking inside of oneself to find an experience with ‘God’.

Feminism in the church has increased with many women seeking ordination as priests and pastors.  The most strident voices accompanying feminist theology  rail against the maleness of God and His administration.  These are the new expressions of the pagan high priestess, and the pantheistic Mother Earth and Mother Nature.  The Virgin Mary is welcome in this circle of thought.  The Mother/Father God that is worshipped in some churches comes from this same origin and serves gradually to condition worshippers to a female influence in religion.  In 1893 it was stated by the occultists, that this was to be the era of Woman, who is to be counsellor, teacher and guide to the world.

Babylon stands for confused religion.  Revelation 18:1-4 sees a time when this confused state of the occult which claims to be the church of God in the world, will come to its lowest point.  God’s Word proclaims, Babylon the great is fallen.

Q19 How will the occult be the strong unifying factor in the battle of Armageddon?

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan], and out of the mouth of the beast [the Papacy] and out of the mouth of the false prophet [the second beast of Revelation 13, America]  for they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of God Almighty.  Revelation 13:13,14.

NOTE:  In the great battle of Armageddon, Satan, the papacy and America are all involved.  Unclean spirits will work through the words of each, and the kings of the earth and the whole world will be involved, gathered together by these unclean spirits.  Once one has been involved in any type of  occult experience, it is hard to resist the influence a second time.  Today, most of the Christian churches have such elements within ordinary worship.  Worshippers are encouraged to go beyond their reason into a spirit experience where they may laugh, cry, bark like dogs, or be slain the spirit, often combined with speaking or singing in tongues.  The faculty of reason is not in use in such worship, and the entering wedge of the occult is when worshippers are encouraged to stop thinking and just allow their tongues to speak. They think they are being moved by the Holy Spirit, when it is the strong working of the predicted occult spirit.

They are unaware of its origin, and so millions are being prepared and their reasoning minds regularly weakened for the fulfilment of this prophecy - that all are to be gathered together to the battle of the great day of God Almighty. Pagan religions have the same spirits working in them; others have been involved with the occult (the hidden sciences) through counselling—mind on mind working, neuro-linguistic programming, faith healers, therapy groups, and entertainment hypnotism, even through ‘prayer’ or yoga times in ‘big business’ for stress relief.

Satan is preparing all the world for His final call to his troops who will stand against God.   He will give the word and the whole world will respond because they have supernaturally programmed at an earlier stage.  Very few have been unaffected.  To those who are involved, but unsure, God urges, ‘Come out of her my people’.  ‘Touch not the unclean thing’.  Revelation 18:4; 2 Corinthians 6:17.

Spiritualism began in 1844, being validated in 1848.  Since that time it has flourished, often with religious overtones and language. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, himself an occultist, along with others stated around 1930, that a time was near, when religion would be simplified and united, and another religion would supersede Christianity.  The transition would be gradual, as spirit guides led the process.  We see in the Bible that the spirit guides are Satan’s angels masquerading as angels of light. ‘And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.’  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.’  2 Corinthians 11:14, 15.

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