Truth For Today Bible Study Course a Course of Bible Studies, how God sees our world, A world without evil, God’s gifts of help for us, Jesus expecting victory in our lives.  

Truth For Today Bible Study Course

At a glance …

Satan does his work through agents:

First the serpent

Then the four beasts in Daniel.

Today through:

- The composite beast in Revelation 13.

- The USA

- Spiritualism

NOTE:  This act of worship shows that in the last days of earth, Rome is an ecclesiastical power, but by its invincible appearance this prophetic beast also reveals a political strength that cannot be challenged.  Therefore this prophetic power that arose from the sea has become a very commanding and imposing global religious and a political power.

Q8 What else did the dragon, Satan, give to this beast or world power, to enable it to carry out his purposes?

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies … and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name.  Rev 13:6

NOTE:  Human beings respond to human institutions and powerful leaders. For Satan to delegate his authority to a human system was therefore a skilful tactic to bring all peoples onto the side of Satan’s plans, and to lead away from God. The vision of Revelation 13 given to the Apostle John,  is a parallel vision to the one recorded in Daniel.  The little horn of that vision ‘had eyes and a mouth  that spoke very great things.’ Daniel 7:20;  ‘And He shall speak great words against the Most High.’ Daniel 7:25. Here are some examples of these great words against the Most High God.  The Pope who stands at the head of this global agency, is referred in these terms -

  • The Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth.  (The Pope is seen as standing in the position of Christ on this earth. However, when Christ ascended to heaven, the Father sent the Holy Spirit as another Comforter to the world to take the place of Christ, so that He could be in us and dwell in all places.) 
  • All the names attributed to Christ in Scripture implying His supremacy over the church are also attributed to the Pope.
  • Rome became the mistress of the world with the Popes as her rulers.
  • The Pope is the judge of all, yet he himself can be judged by no-one.
  • He is not a mere man, but as it were God and the Vicar of God. 
  • He is expressly called ‘Our Lord God the Pope’.
  • He has been placed upon the very summit of all ranks of dignities.
  • The Pope alone is deservedly called “Most Holy”.
  • He is the Bishop of the universal church.
  • He is King of Kings.
  • The Pope is king of heaven and earth.
  • His power is over angels than whom he is greater. He can judge angels.  He forms the same tribunal as Jesus Christ.
  • Whatever the Pope does proceeds from the mouth of God.
  • The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret  even divine laws.  This is a direct fulfilment of the prophecy of Daniel 7:25. It is said that he can do this, as his power is not of man but of God.

Extracts from Ferraris’s Ecclesiastical Dictionary, article on the Pope.  It is still currently recognised by Rome.  Also ‘On the authority of Councils’ Bellarmine;  Extravagantes of Pope John XXll.

Q9  When did this composite beast become a blasphemous beast and not just a political animal?

I considered the horns and behold, there came up among them another little horn before whom three were plucked up by the roots; and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eye of man and a mouth speaking great things.  Daniel 7:8

NOTE:  In Daniel’s the three horns that were plucked up were the nations of the Vandals, the Ostrogoths, and the Heruli.  This was complete in 538 and is seen as the commencement of the Holy Roman Empire when spiritual authority began to be exercised by the Papacy—Papal Rome, becoming known as the Roman Catholic Church as we know it today, called Roman because the seat of this power is Rome, and Catholic because its power is universal.  The Roman Emperor, the Caesar, was now replaced by the Pope.  The eyes of this little horn power represent intelligence, insight and foresight.

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