Truth For Today Bible Study Course a Course of Bible Studies, how God sees our world, A world without evil, God’s gifts of help for us, Jesus expecting victory in our lives.  

Truth For Today Bible Study Course

At-a-glance …

Can we trust the Bible?

The Bible gives its own tests.

If God says something and it happens, then we can trust God.

Here are 2 examples

  • Prophecy about Jesus
  • Prophecy about a world wide Flood

They both came true.

The Bible can be trusted.

Q11 Jesus said ‘I am the truth’.  How truthfully did He spoke of this prophesied world-wide Flood?

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.  Matthew 24:37-39

Q12 Can we see any evidence today for this world-wide catastrophe by water?

There is widespread evidence of the Bible flood found throughout the world.  It is seen today in rocks, in fossils, in petrified wood, dinosaur footprints, coal, and in the evidence of tropical forests and vegetation in our very Northern latitudes.  The principal rocks found all over the surface of the earth are sedimentary rocks. These are rocks made of sediments that have been laid down by water and solidified rapidly under pressure. In the Grand Canyon these rocks are almost a mile deep.  Such layers testify to the size and extent and accuracy of the Bible Flood, and are found all over the world in different thicknesses.

Q13 What is the most available evidence today of Noah’ flood?

Rounded pebbles. If you dig in the soil near where you live you will soon find rounded pebbles of all sizes.  They may be small or huge, but they are rounded, not jagged as when stone first comes from a quarry.  Such round stones can be as large as earth moving trucks in the middle of a continent nowhere near a beach or the sea, or in fist sized stones littered across a farmer’s field.

Fig (i) Here is a familiar example of pebbles on a beach today.
They are rounded because of the action of the sea water.
Fig (ii) This is a cross-section of conglomerate from Canada - water rounded rocks set in mud that has hardened like concrete. In Tasmania a whole mountain is composed of water rounded boulders in mud.
Fig (iii) These little rounded stones on a cutting in the South of France
have been laid down in layers by water and extend considerable distances.
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