NOTE: Gabriel started at the beginning of the time in 457 BC, giving considerable detail about the time for the Jewish people that was measured off from the beginning of the 2300 years, the 70 weeks. These details pointed very clearly to Jesus. Jesus in His own preaching had confirmed the prophetic time. He died on time. The entire prophecy is anchored and confirmed by the life of Jesus Christ.

Q24 When did the 2300 day prophecy end?
NOTE: It began in 457 BC and ended in 1844.
Q25 What event would begin at the close of the 2300 years?
Unto two thousand and three hundred days [2300 years] and then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. Daniel 8:14
NOTE: In Hebrew thinking this refers to the Day of Atonement or the time of Judgement, when there was a sanctuary on earth with its special services (See Module 17). There is no sanctuary on earth today, but the one on earth, however, was built according to the pattern of the one in heaven, the great original. Daniel 7:10 says, ‘The judgement was set and the books were opened.’ In 1844 the judgement of all good and evil began from the recorded evidence. The Judge is Jesus, Acts 17:31. Jesus anchors the 2300 year prophecy by His statement that the time is fulfilled and by His death guarantees victory over evil. Jesus as Judge also concludes this long prophecy. He is also the One who revealed its events, as all prophecy was inspired by the Spirit of Jesus. 1 Peter 1:10,11. Jesus is central to all things relating to the end of evil.
Q26 As we cannot look into heaven to see the judgement taking place, is there any evidence to verify God’s prophetic statement that the judgement would begin in 1844?
If this judgement seems fanciful and invisible, it is worth noting the devil’s response to 1844.
- In that year 1844, Satan formalised his whole pattern of spiritualism through channelled messages. These were in direct opposition to the words of the Bible. They teach that there is no death, no sin, and therefore no need for a Saviour, Jesus Christ—and no need for a judgement where the Judge is Jesus.
- In 1844 the Baha’i movement also began, teaching that all religion is of one. God is part of that oneness and is evolving with the natural world. They also teach that there is no sin, so no need for Jesus our Saviour. Therefore by logic it is also taught that there is no judgement, and no Judge.
Satan is an excellent Bible student. He has been studying the prophecies for a long time. He knows that when the judgement of good and evil is completed, his time is finished. He and His evil angels will be destroyed to ashes, by fire from the hand of God. His world wide protest, beginning in 1844 among all religions and all faiths - both east and west - is designed to remove from the world all knowledge of the judgement of good and evil, that began in 1844, and consequently taking from people the opportunity to make their lives right, so that they can stand in this judgement as witnesses to the goodness of God. Read Revelation 14:6-12.
As has been shown in this module, the date of this judgement is confirmed in the very life and death of Christ. Satan in a multiplicity of ways, is working to obliterate the knowledge and the importance of the Judgement. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the One who will bring an end to all evil.
The longest time prophecy in the Bible began in 457 BC and ended in AD 1844. The Spirit of Christ revealed the prophecy. Christ came to earth and declared ‘The Time is Fulfilled’ as the 69th week ended. With these words He confirmed the entire 2300 day/year prophecy. He was baptised on time, and He died on time. The prophecy is, in fact, entirely confirmed by the life of Jesus Christ. In 1844 the judgement began on time, with the heavenly sanctuary is being cleansed by the blotting out of all record of sin and evil and the destinies of all being finalised. Jesus Himself is the Judge in this judgement. We cannot see it happening, but the anti-sin and anti-judgement activity of Satan beginning with such force in 1844 and since, clearly shows that he understands this prophecy and is working to obliterate it, but conversely confirming it!
‘The hour of His judgement is come.’ Revelation 14:7 |
Truth for Today Bible Study Module 19A reveals what Jesus our High Priest is doing in heaven now.