It will become the badge of the Creator’s followers.
The identification of the true God is through His creative power making something from nothing. He worked for six days and rested the seventh day. This seventh day came to be known in the Bible as the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. It is a day apart from other days as sacred time. God gave it to the human race as a gift and a blessing. It was made especially for us. In the conflict between good and evil, Satan has developed the teaching of evolution to crush the knowledge of God’s identification. Only the seventh day Sabbath stands forever in honour of the God who made all things from nothing by His power. The choice is ours–will we worship the Creator God, or not. What other God is there?
Worship Him that made heaven and earth, and the sea and the fountains of waters. Revelation 14:7
Truth for Today Bible Study Module 26 reveals the prophetic significance of Sunday Worship.